Monday, December 2, 2013

The Last Days of Jesus’ Mortal Mission - Key events that took place during the Savior’s final week of mortality.

Day 1
Jesus arrived at Jerusalem
Secured a donkey and a colt, rode through the gate
A great multitude placed palm branches in his way & greeted him with hosanna shout
Went directly to temple, took note of what he saw
Retired to Bethany for the night
Day 2
Went to the temple again in the morning
Challenged the Jewish leadership
Drove those who were trading and making money exchange from the outer court area
Let them know temple is his house, a house of prayer
Returned to Bethany in the evening
Day 3
Was challenged by the priests at the temple
Related a series of parables (offending leaders of the Jews)
Scribes & Pharisees challenge Him again
Openly denounced them/condemned them as hypocrites
From this point on He only taught the Twelve
Jewish leaders consulted on how they might bring about his death
Wanted it done before Passover to avoid a riot
One of Jesus’ own disciples offered to betray him
Day 4
Spent outside the city (possibly @ Bethany)
Day 5
Jesus had Passover meal in a private home with Twelve
Introduced new ordinance, sacrament
Prophesied of his death
Indicted who would betray him
Offered intercessory prayer
With the eleven (all but Judas) went to Gethsemane
Took Peter, James, and John further into Garden
Went off by himself to pray
Asked for the cup to pass from him
Suffered “the pain of all men”
Bled from every pore
Rejoined apostles
Indicated betrayer at hand
While speaking, armed band (led by Judas) seized him
Was brought to an illegal trial that night
Day 6
Jewish leaders wanted to discredit Jesus before his people, arranged to have him charged with two crimes (blasphemy and sedition against the state)
1.Blasphemy, a capital offense, for saying he was the Son of God-unanimously convicted, but couldn’t carry out death penalty; only Roman governor could pronounce this.
2.Sedition against the state, political indictment, because he claimed to be king of Jews
Pilate found Jesus guiltless of this charge, but the Jewish leaders incited the crowd to “destroy Jesus”
Pilate gave in, Jesus was executed by crucifixion
In the afternoon, he voluntarily gave up his spirit
Before nightfall, his body was removed from the cross and buried in a sealed tomb by two disciples
Day 7
Jewish Sabbath
His body remained in tomb
His spirit ministered in the realm of departed spirits
Day of the Resurrection
On the first day of the week, Jesus emerged from the tomb, appearing to Mary

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