Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Miracles Are Evidence of Faith and God's Power

Matthew 8-9; Mark 2 Miracles Are Evidence of Faith and God's Power

Miracles of the Lord
Who Demonstrated Faith
Matthew 8:1-4
Healed the leper
Matthew 8:5-13
Servant healed of palsy
Matthew 8:14-15
Healing of Peter’s mother-in-law from a fever
Matthew 8:16
Cast out spirits of those possessed with devils
Matthew 8:23-27
Calmed the sea
Matthew 8:28-34
Devils cast out into swine
Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34
Woman with blood issue (hemorrhage) made whole
Matthew 9:27-31
Gave sight to 2 blind men
Blind men
Mark 2:1-12
Healed one sick of palsy
The 4 people that brought the man

Explain how it affects your faith to know that God has this kind of power.

With God nothing is impossible. So by reading of these miracles, it reminds me of who I need to turn to when I am in a situation that is beyond my control. This can be done through prayer as well as receiving a priesthood blessing. At the same time, I need to also realize that His will be done and accept that. Recently I was in a lot of pain. During this time, when medicine didn’t curb the discomfort, I turned to God in prayer. I pleaded for His help. I received a priesthood blessing, in which I was told my body would be made complete. As things turned out, I ended up needing to have my gallbladder removed. I was able to get the help that I needed (from the hospital) to get my pain under control and have the surgery. Since that time, my body has been able to compensate for the loss of my gallbladder and function as “normal”. To me this is an answer to my prayer, although not how I was hoping it would be answered.

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