Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Feeding of the Multitudes


The Feeding of the Multitudes

The Savior provided two similar miracles. As a summary of what took place, complete the following chart:

Matthew 14:14-21
Matthew 15:32-38
How many people were present?
Multitude-About 5000 men, beside women and children
Multitude 4000 men, beside women and children 
What did they need?
 To eat
 To eat
What were they able to offer in an effort to meet that need?
 Five loaves & 2 fishes
 7 loaves, few little fishes
What words or phrases describe the Savior's feeling toward the multitudes in their time of need?
What words or phrases describe what the Savior was able to provide for the multitudes?
All were able to eat with 12 baskets remaining
They did all eat and had 7 baskets full of broken meat
In each story, the available food was insufficient to feed the multitude, yet with the help of the Lord the insufficiency was overcome. Read Romans 3:23 and ​explain in writing another way human effort is insufficient in receiving the glory of God.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Without the atonement, we can’t return to our Heavenly Father.
According to Ether 12:27, how does the Lord help us overcome this insufficiency?
We’re given weaknesses so that we may be humble. If we are humble and have faith, the weak things become strengths.

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